Advanced Set Traps

Advanced Set Traps
List: Master Thief
Cost: 3
Prereqs: Set Traps Rank 5
Skill Type: Dexterity
Tagged: No
Purchase: 2 Time
Duration: Constant

Normally, only one trap may be attached to one trigger. This skill allows the character to add an extra trap tied to the same trigger for each purchase of this skill up to a maximum of three traps, one extra per purchase of the skill. The extra trap must be added when the trap is set and cannot be added to an existing trap. Each slot can be filled with any trap as per the set trap rules, and can be the same or different trap types. All in-game costs must be paid for each trap the character sets.

When the trap goes off, one defense is needed for each trap set. So, for example, if a trap is set with three 10 damage fire traps in a 10 foot radius, the affected character(s) would require three separate defenses. One Trap Dodge skill will stop all the slot in a trap.

To set the trap, the character should place the three separate trap tags onto the trap and set the trigger accordingly. If the trap is disarmed, the character may take the trap tags, but may only set the same trap if they have the same number of purchases of the Advanced Set Traps skill as was originally used.

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